*In the verbal inspiration of the Bible as God’s Holy Word, equal in all its parts and without error in its origin and content.
*The one true and living God eternally exists as Father, Son and Holy Spirit…Three Persons, yet one God.
*The deity of Jesus Christ: His virgin birth, vicarious death, bodily resurrection, and second coming.
*The resurrection of the dead. The Saints to an eternal bliss in a literal Heaven. *The lost to an eternal torment in a literal Hell.
Salvation from sin by grace through faith unto reason,regeneration, and eternal security.
*The ministry of the Holy Spirit as the third Personof the Triune God. He convicts of sin, baptizes and indwells the believer at the moment of salvation, seals the believer for eternity, and empowers for daily living.
*The autonomy of the Local Church with two ordinances: Baptism by immersion and the Lord’s Supper.
*The Priesthood of the believer.
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